Why We love Michelle
Michelle was first sponsored as a teenager by Pete Lopez, father to professional surfers Cory & Shea Lopez, where he lead her from the waters of the gulf and introduced her to the east coast of Florida. This was the start of her adventures in surfing. From here, she did everything she could through college and beyond to make money to fuel her surfing travels & adventures.
When I first met Michelle, back in 2010, early in my surfing career and with two babies under two years of age in tow, I recall seeing her out in the lineup and feeling very intimidated by her, expecting her personality to match her surfing style - aggressive. She couldn't had been more opposite of that. She greeted me with a big, warm smile, and a friendly demeanor when I paddled out next to her. Getting to know Michelle more, and hearing stories of her travels truly ignited a spark in me. She would tell me of how she traveled by herself to Puerto Rico and other countries in Central America, and I was shocked at how she ventured off on her own, in "dangerous" countries. I had never known a woman in my life, up until that point, that was independent and, for lack of a better word, brave. There was a huge part of me that was ruled by fear. Afraid to even paddle out by myself. After meeting Michelle, I committed to a year of doing whatever it was that I felt afraid of, acknowledging the fear that was there, but moving through in spite of it. There's a lot of growth on the other side of that fear, a lot of growth that comes with forcing yourself to be in uncomfortable situations. I digress.
During Michelle's travels to Central America, she happened upon a pro surfer out in the lineup, named Holly Beck. Holly Beck runs all women's surf retreats, called Surf with Amigas. She invited Michelle to be an instructor for her retreats right there in the water. She must have felt the contagious stoke of Michelle - the warm smile, and the benevolent light heartedness of her spirit. Combine that with the fact that Michelle absolutely rips and sends it on every wave, and there you have your most perfect all women's surf coach. And so there begins Michelle's journey into all women's retreats, and a life in Central America.
Michelle has spent the last 10 years living in Bocas Del Toro, Panama. She loves the simplicity of island life and the community that surrounds her consisting of her husband, rescue dog, and many friends & families from a variety of different countries. She is truly found her community, and has found what most seek. Community & Connection.